Set a trigger for every push notification

Personalize push communications in AppMetrica to grow key metrics
Create a free account

It’s time to get personal

Talk to users in the right language at the right time. With all of AppMetrica’s data, you can pick the perfect moment to reach out.

Achieve better results with the right tool for the job

A/B tests

Experiment with creatives and messaging to find the best options.

Push automation

Enhance triggered communication with the Push API

Easy to create

Improve your push notifications by customizing images, icons, and deeplinks
Campaign analytics

Focus on LTV

Evaluate the impact push campaigns have on retention and revenue. And just check the funnel report to see what targeting weak stages does to your conversion rate.

More tools for evaluating push campaigns

Retention rate

Evaluate user retention with push notifications at days one, seven, and 30

Cohorts are key

Determine how push notifications impact recipient metrics across different user cohorts.


Identify the portion of your revenue coming from users who received personalized offers.

Ngrow: ML meets push notifications

A service for automating push campaigns based on machine learning.