Monetization analytics

Eliminate the bottlenecks holding your earnings back
Create a free account
All in-app monetization drivers
for e-com apps
Insights about paying users

Revenue data a click away

Enjoy quick access to monetization metrics with a revenue report that covers all in-app monetization types.

Shorten the user’s path to conversion

Our e-commerce report helps you optimize prices, card design, and navigation to make your app more user-friendly.
Send up to 100 user attributes
Customize how you work with each audience segment
Find new ways for monetization
Track the user path for each session
AppMetrica: Your app’s CRM

Meet your customers

Unlock the full power of AppMetrica


Explore user cohort analysis to boost each segment’s LTV


Find where users drop off to boost conversion rates in key user actions.

Push notifications

Easily launch push campaigns and track how personalized offers increase app revenue


Supercharge user engagement and retention to grow your loyal audience and revenue

User acquisition

Build out an entire funnel from acquisition to purchase and launch a remarketing campaign