Take your app to the next level

In-depth analytics for product and growth teams
Create a free account
Quick access to metrics
Deep data granulation
Rich datalexible segmentation

Get closer to conversion

Determine what’s behind funnel drop-off at each step and supercharge your app’s performance by diving into AppMetrica funnels.
Cohort analysis

Unit economics begin here

With AppMetrica, analyze user cohorts by installation date, source, profile, application version, and OS.

Stay in touch with your audience

Discover AppMetrica reports to increase user engagement in the app.

Instant notifications about changes in key metrics

Get timely pop-up notifications of changes to your app’s key metrics (ad revenue, ARRPU, timespent, DAU/MAU/WAU) right in your interface. The feature is designed to simplify app monitoring, save you time, and ensure you never miss meaningful updates.
Event reports

Take an unbiased look at your app

The event report helps you assess trends in user behavior and make sure your app and newest features are doing well.
Flexible customization
Advanced segmentation
Multilevel events

Explore more tools for growing app metrics

Monetization analytics

Track how new features affect your in-app revenue

Audience analysis

Explore your audience and customize your app around it

Data workflow

Create a dashboard with your app’s key metrics or easily export raw data in real time

Crash and Error reporting

Save app performance and key metrics from bugs with real-time crash and error monitoring

Push communication

Increase retention and conversions with personalized push campaigns