The analytics system can differentiate between client and server events. Client events are when the user subscribes or does something else in the app itself. They’re sent via the SDK. Server events like subscription renewals can occur without direct user action. To collect them, we added new Post API methods to AppMetrica.
In-app and ad revenue events. Initial subscriptions, subscription renewals, one-off purchases, and revenue from in-app ad views can be used in reports and segments to analyze monetization.
For example, you can transmit in-app revenue events via the Post API if purchases in your app are made through app stores other than Google Play or the App Store. You’ll get fuller income statistics that way.
Ecommerce events — online and offline. All Purchase Analysis report events are now available in the Post API. Some events, including orders, can be sent via the SDK, while order payment at the pick-up points and others can be sent via the Post API.
For example, you might sell pineapple souvenirs on a site, in an app, and in city markets. In order for user data on who pays online and offline to be consolidated in one place and supplement your app data, you can transmit it via the Post API.
User Profile Attributes.These are user characteristics that don’t relate to user behavior, instead describing the users themselves. For example, music preferences in a streaming service or a loyalty program in your app.
User of a music service might listen to electronic music on their phone while jogging and jazz on their work computer. If you don’t account for preferences on all devices, the service’s recommendations will disappoint your users.
The new methods are already available to all users by default. Go to AppMetrica to analyze the data and make informed marketing and product decisions on how to develop your app.