When publishing or updating your apps in App Store, now you have to indicate the types of data that you collect. The new rule takes effect on December 8, 2020. It applies both to the apps and the code of third-party partners integrated into them.
“Collect” refers to transmitting data off the device in a way that allows you and/or your third-party partners (including analytical services) to access it for a period longer than what is necessary to service the transmitted request in real time.
AppMetrica collects several data types that you should disclose on your App Store Connect page:
For each data type, App Store requests the purpose of use. AppMetrica is an analytical service: be sure to select "Analytics" under Purpose for all the above-listed data.
If your app or third-party code collects the same type of data for different purposes, disclose your other purposes also. To learn how to select multiple purposes for the same data type see App Store help.
All the collected data types that need to be disclosed to App Store Connect are listed at the link.
Stay updated!
— The AppMetrica team