Tracking purchases just got faster and easier with the new AppMetrica SDK. Now you can automatically get data on in-app purchases after updating the SDK to its latest version.
Previously, developers had to manually mark up their code to include purchase data in AppMetrica reports. Now the auto-collection feature includes this data after updating the SDK.
All purchases are divided into automatic and manual to avoid mixing up the data. If you’ve already added the markup for collecting purchases, the reports will show data from your manual markup. If there was no markup, it displays data from the auto-collection. You can use both methods at the same time.
You can combine auto-collection with manual markup to combine user purchases outside the app (for example, subscriptions made on the site). Simply choose purchases to show: automatically or manually collected, or all of them together. The configuration won’t affect the data collection in any way, only change the slice for analysis.
Disable auto-collection in the SDK settings if necessary.
To activate auto-collection for in-app purchases, update the AppMetrica SDK to version 4.0.
The latest AppMetrica SDK version also tracks app openings using deeplinks. User Acquisition and Remarketing reports automatically collects app opening statistics, so you don’t have to configure tracking separately.