Migrating to version 3.0.0

Migrating your app from com.yandex.android:mobmetricapushlib to io.appmetrica.analytics:push shouldn't cause any issues.

Using two versions of AppMetrica Push SDK at the same time

Since we renamed the group and main artifacts, there may be cases where the app uses two versions of AppMetrica SDK at the same time: com.yandex.android:mobmetricapushlib and io.appmetrica.analytics:push.


That could lead to anomalies in reports and isn't recommended.

Migration guide

This guide contains examples that show the differences between SDK versions 2.3.3 and 3.0.0.
This section only covers methods that do not have backward compatibility.

Here's how to migrate to the new version

  1. Make sure you're using AppMetrica SDK version io.appmetrica.analytics:analytics:6.0.0 or higher.
  2. Change the com.yandex.android:mobmetricapushlib:2.3.3 dependency to io.appmetrica.analytics:push:3.0.0.
  3. In the project code, replace the classes and methods that were simply renamed or only changed their package.
    The changes you need to make are listed in the paragraph on renaming classes.
  4. Temporarily comment out the code with any remaining errors to ensure the project can be built.
  5. Modify any existing exclude rules.
    The changes you need to make are listed in the paragraph on renaming dependencies.
  6. Edit the code you commented out by following the other paragraphs in this guide.
    If you have any questions, contact support.

Renamed dependencies

  • Changed the name of the com.yandex.android:mobmetricapushlib module to io.appmetrica.analytics:push.
  • Changed the name of the com.yandex.android:appmetricapush-provider-firebase module to io.appmetrica.analytics:push-provider-firebase.
  • Changed the name of the com.yandex.android:appmetricapush-provider-hms module to io.appmetrica.analytics:push-provider-hms.
  • Changed the name of the com.yandex.android:appmetricapush-provider-rustore module to io.appmetrica.analytics:push-provider-rustore.
  • Split the com.yandex.android:appmetricapush-core module into io.appmetrica.analytics:push-core-utils and io.appmetrica.analytics:push-provider-api.

Renamed classes

  • Renamed the com.yandex.metrica.push.TokenUpdateListener class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.TokenUpdateListener.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.metrica.push.YandexMetricaPush class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.AppMetricaPush.
    • Changed the EXTRA_ACTION_INFO constant.
    • Removed the getToken method.
    • Changed the name of the init method to activate.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.appmetrica.push.firebase.FirebasePushServiceControllerProvider class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.firebase.FirebasePushServiceControllerProvider.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.appmetrica.push.hms.HmsPushServiceControllerProvider class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.hms.HmsPushServiceControllerProvider.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.appmetrica.push.hms.MetricaHmsMessagingService class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.hms.AppMetricaHmsMessagingService.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.appmetrica.push.rustore.MetricaRuStoreMessagingService class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.rustore.AppMetricaRuStoreMessagingService.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.appmetrica.push.rustore.RuStorePushServiceControllerProvider class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.rustore.RuStorePushServiceControllerProvider.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.metrica.push.common.core.PushServiceControllerProvider class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.api.PushServiceControllerProvider.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.metrica.push.common.core.PushServiceController class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.api.PushServiceController.
  • Renamed the com.yandex.metrica.push.firebase.MetricaMessagingService class as io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.firebase.AppMetricaMessagingService.

The io.appmetrica.analytics.push.provider.firebase.AppMetricaMessagingService class is moved to a separate dependency.


  • Changed the name of the default notification channel to appmetrica_push.
    The old default channels won't be deleted.

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, you can use the feedback form to submit your question. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Attach a screenshot if possible.

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