S2S integration

A number of advertising networks support server-to-server (S2S) integration with AppMetrica. With S2S integration, ad traffic is redirected directly to the app store. In that case, the advertising network records the impression or click by calling the tracking link. This call comes from the advertising network's server.

Sending the user directly to the app store (without an additional redirect) sometimes improves the conversion rate.

For tracking to work correctly when using this method, the advertising network must make the transition using the tracking link, as the user's browser would have. To transmit data needed for app install attribution to the tracking URL/impression URL, add these parameters:

Parameter Required Example Description
device_ip Yes device_ip= URL-encoded IP address of the user's device. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported
device_ua Yes device_ua=... URL-encoded User-Agent on the user's device
click_timestamp Yes click_timestamp=1453895044 UTC timestamp of the click, in seconds
noredirect No noredirect=1 Notifies AppMetrica that the click should be counted without redirection to the app store. The default value is 1

You can use the additional parameters for device identification.

Sample request

For clicks:

GET redirect.appmetrica.yandex.com/serve/TRACKING_ID?click_id=123456789&device_ip=

where TRACKING_ID is the ID of the tracker in AppMetrica (present in the user's tracking URL).

For impressions:

GET impression.appmetrica.yandex.com/serve/TRACKING_ID?click_id=123456789&device_ip=

Where TRACKING_ID is the ID of the tracker in AppMetrica (part of the user's tracking URL).

The HTTP response code from AppMetrica for requests in those cases is 204 No Content.

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