Inside AppMetrica
April 26 2024

Connecting the dots: amplify AppMetrica analytics with MMP insights

Think of a time when your key metrics kept stalling for no obvious reason, despite your tireless efforts to grow them. What did you do?

Well, it’s happened to the best of us. Chances are, you’ve launched a search party for unidentified bugs or traces of fraud, checked the latest feature releases or just wandered aimlessly, looking for anomalies in your data.

No matter the scenario, searching for a problem without considering the whole picture — from code bugs to UA fraud — becomes a recipe for making uninformed decisions. In order to find the source of the problem, it’s important to evaluate all aspects of your app’s lifecycle.

Bring together your acquisition and user behavior data in one place

Recently AppMetrica launched its new Attribution Import feature, which will complement its extensive product analytics functionality with detailed UA attribution data from other MMPs like AppsFlyer or Adjust. This will give you a complete view of your app in one place, without switching between platforms or stitching together exported spreadsheets.

What does this mean for your app analytics experience in AppMetrica?

First, you will see a detailed breakdown of the exact traffic sources. Previously, traffic tracked from other MMPs was simply classified as «Organic», leaving you uninformed. Now all your ad channels will be marked accordingly.

Second, channel segmentation based on MMP attribution will sprout into all of your product reports in AppMetrica. This means you can dive deep into your traffic sources, see what kind of users they bring to your app and analyze your app performance in the context of your user acquisition efforts. AppMetrica’s Attribution Import will help you answer questions like:

  1. Which channels bring users with the best onboarding completion rates,
  2. Which app versions have unusually low retention rate from paid traffic,
  3. What channel brings in users with the highest LTV predicted by AppMetrica.

How to make data-informed decisions: set up external attribution from your MMP in AppMetrica

AppMetrica can attribute data from most of the major tracking systems: AppsFlyer, Adjust, Kochava, Tenjin, and Airbridge. And the list keeps growing!

After setting up your MMP attribution in AppMetrica, you will see:

  • detailed product analytics reports, covering in-app user behavior & funnel bottlenecks enriched with data from all your traffic sources 
  • a 360-view of your app health at different stages of the customer journey and how it relates to your business goals and growth.

It takes only 2 steps and a few minutes to import your MMP data into AppMetrica. Follow the exact instructions for integrating any of the supported MMPs with AppMetrica for Android apps, and for iOS apps

Amplify AppMetrica analytics with MMP insights.

Get started with AppMetrica or set up Attribution Import in your current account now.