AppMetrica Gradle Plugin

AppMetrica lets you collect information about native and Java crashes. You can analyze them in the Crashes report. See also Crashes/errors.

To reduce the size of an app, optimize the code during a release build.

If the code was compressed and obfuscated during the build of an Android application, information about crashes is transmitted in obfuscated form. To extract data for analysis from such crash logs, AppMetrica performs server-side deobfuscation.

To do this, upload the mapping files or debug symbols of SO files to AppMetrica, either automatically when building the app or manually via the web interface.

To send files, enable the AppMetrica Gradle Plugin.


Upload mapping files if you use ProGuard or R8. If you don't compress or obfuscate the code, don't enable the plugin.

The plugin's operation depends on the versions of (AGP) and gradle.
The plugin is compatible with the following versions:

  • from 7.2.+ to 8.7.+ (except for 8.0.+);
  • gradle from 7.4 to 8.9. We don't guarantee that the plugin will work with other versions.

The plugin's functionality is not guaranteed when using Gradle 8.0 and AGP 7.4.+ together.

Connecting the plugin

To enable the plugin:

  1. Add the following dependency to the Gradle root file:

    plugins {
        id("") version "1.0.1" apply false
    plugins {
        id "" version "1.0.1" apply false
    Enabling plugin using buildscript

    Add the following dependency to the Gradle root file:

    buildscript {
        repositories {
        dependencies {
    buildscript {
        repositories {
        dependencies {
            classpath ''
  2. Add connecting and configuring the plugin to the app's Gradle file:

    plugins {
    appmetrica {
        postApiKey = { applicationVariant -> "Post Api key for variant" }
        // or setPostApiKey("Post Api key")
        enable = { applicationVariant -> true }                           // Optional
        offline = { applicationVariant -> false }                         // Optional
        mappingFile = { applicationVariant -> null }                      // Optional
        enableAnalytics = true                                            // Optional
        allowTwoAppMetricas = { applicationVariant -> false }             // Optional
        ndk {                                                             // Optional
            enable = { applicationVariant -> false }
            soFiles = { applicationVariant -> listOfSoFiles }             // Optional
            additionalSoFiles = { applicationVariant -> listOfSoFiles }   // Optional
            addNdkCrashesDependency = { applicationVariant -> true }      // Optional
    plugins {
        id ''
        id ''
    appmetrica {
        postApiKey = { applicationVariant -> "Post Api key for variant" }
        // or postApiKey = "Post Api key"
        enable = { applicationVariant -> true }                           // Optional
        offline = { applicationVariant -> false }                         // Optional
        mappingFile = { applicationVariant -> null }                      // Optional
        enableAnalytics = true                                            // Optional
        allowTwoAppMetricas = { applicationVariant -> false }             // Optional
        ndk {                                                             // Optional
            enable = { applicationVariant -> false }
            soFiles = { applicationVariant -> listOfSoFiles }             // Optional
            additionalSoFiles = { applicationVariant -> listOfSoFiles }   // Optional
            addNdkCrashesDependency = { applicationVariant -> true }      // Optional




    Post API key or lambda function that returns a Post API key for ApplicationVariant. Read more about ApplicationVariant in the Android and Javadoc documentation.
    You can get the Post API key in the AppMetrica Settings. It's used to identify your app.

    If offline = true, the parameter is optional.


    Lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and returns whether to use the plugin for this build option.
    If the plugin is not used, the apk does not change and the mapping file does not load.

    By default, it returns true only for buildType = 'release'.


    Use one of the parameters to specify assembly types: enable or mappingBuildTypes.


    List of buildType build types for which the mapping file will be sent.
    Default value: ['release'].

    To disable the uploading of mapping files for a specific type of build, delete that buildType from the list.


    Use one of the parameters to specify assembly types: enable or mappingBuildTypes.


    Enables the offline mode. Boolean or a lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant.

    Acceptable values:

    • true — Doesn't upload a file to AppMetrica. If enabled, it outputs the archive path to the log after the build is complete. You can upload it manually via the web interface.
    • false — Automatically uploads the mapping file.
      The default value is false.


    Lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and returns the mapping file to upload. If it returns null, the default value is used.

    The default value is ApplicationVariant.mappingFileProvider.


    Lets plugin usage statistics be sent to AppMetrica. Boolean.

    Acceptable values:

    • true — Sending statistics is enabled.
    • false — Sending statistics is disabled.
      The default value is true.


    A lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and checks the use of two AppMetrica libraries at the same time.

    Acceptable values:

    • false — The plugin checks that only one library version is used in the project: or If not, an exception is thrown.
    • true — The plugin checks the use of two AppMetrica libraries at the same time, the check result is logged.

    The default value is false.


    This parameter is required to load characters from the SO file to track native crashes.


    A lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and returns whether to load the characters from the SO files for this build option.

    The default value is false.


    A lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and returns a list of SO files.

    By default, the plugin searches for SO files in the Android Studio project folders.

    You need to redefine the path if your SO files are in an unusual location or the plugin can't find them.


    A lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and returns a list of additional SO files to load the characters from.


    A lambda function that accepts ApplicationVariant and returns whether to include the dependency.

    The default value is true.

  3. If the ndk parameter is enabled, debug characters are sent using the upload${}AppMetricaNdkSymbols Gradle task. To call a task automatically, you can add it to a file app/build.gradle the following code:

    android.applicationVariants.configureEach {
        val variant = this
        val uploadSymbolsTask = project.tasks.findByName("upload${}AppMetricaNdkSymbols")
        if (uploadSymbolsTask != null) {
            variant.assembleProvider.configure { it.finalizedBy(uploadSymbolsTask) }                     // if you use apk
            project.tasks.named("bundle${}") { finalizedBy(uploadSymbolsTask) } // if you use aab
    android.applicationVariants.configureEach { variant ->
        def uploadSymbolsTask = project.tasks.findByName("upload${}AppMetricaNdkSymbols")
        if (uploadSymbolsTask != null) {
            variant.assembleProvider.configure { it.finalizedBy(uploadSymbolsTask) }                     // if you use apk
            project.tasks.named("bundle${}") { finalizedBy(uploadSymbolsTask) } // if you use aab

Manual loading

To manually load, enable and use the plugin in offline mode. This is necessary to link the mapping file to the app build.

  1. In the app/build.gradle file, turn on the offline mode and run the build.

    appmetrica {
        offline = { true }
    appmetrica {
        offline = { true }
  2. In the AppMetrica interface, go to the app settings from the menu on the left.

  3. Go to the CrashesAndroid tab.

  4. Click Choose file and upload the ZIP archive.

Description of generated files

The plugin for work generates files in the app/build/appmetrica folder.
The folder structure is given below.

└── release - the name of AndroidApplicationVariant
    ├── info.txt - the file with meta information for searching for a mapping file and symbols
    ├── res - the folder with resources that will be used to build the application
    │   ├── raw
    │   │   └── keep_appmetrica_resources.xml - rules for R8 on resource conservation
    │   └── values
    │       └── appmetrica_resources.xml - resources required for work
    ├── result - the folder with archives that you need to upload manually when using offline mode
    │   ├── - the final archive with mappings
    │   └── - the final archive with symbols
    └── symbols - a folder with symbols that came from so files
        ├── libmyapplication_0E6CC10E8293F1B2DF0293FBE44887AD0.ysym
        ├── libmyapplication_3CDE92724603DA3A59BC6E311625A4000.ysym
        ├── libmyapplication_6F5C61C0E96CAEFD1E7ED491F806DA100.ysym
        └── libmyapplication_F3E083A014DD2840F0E730B6BB138E4A0.ysym

Build errors

Possible errors during a build:

  • IllegalStateException — Enable code obfuscation using ProGuard or R8 Compiler.
  • HttpResponseException — Check your internet connection.

If you encounter further errors, please contact technical support.

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