User Acquisition SKAdNetwork
The User Acquisition SKAdNetwork report provides information on app installation sources obtained from SKAdNetwork. SKAdNetwork is a campaign attribution system for iOS 14.5 and higher that maintains user privacy. Segmentation and event metrics calculated according to AppMetrica data aren't available in the report. The User Acquisition report already includes these installations.
You can view statistics on Apple Search Ads and the users who agreed to tracking in your app by using a regular User Acquisition report.
Report period
The report is based on the time when data is received from SKAdNetwork: because of the way this technology works, the data is received 24–48 hours after the first launch.
To set a custom reporting period, use the button. The selected time interval can be grouped by hours, days, weeks, or months.
Dimensions and metrics
The report contains metrics grouped into dimensions.
To set up dimensions and metrics:
Click the buttons Dimensions and Metrics one by one.
In each window, add dimensions and metrics you want to use to build the report.
Configure the order of metrics and dimensions.
The order of metrics determines the order of columns, the order of dimensions determines the nesting of rows in the table.
The list of available groupings and metrics:
Dimensions |
Metrics |
If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, you can use the feedback form to submit your question. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Attach a screenshot if possible.
The app ID in the App Store.
The advertising network ID in SKAdNetwork.
The ID of the app where the user clicked the ad.
The unique ID of the SKAd installation message.
Additional data received from the advertising network.
Installations with a non-zero conversion value.
A technical parameter that indicates the ad type. For more information, see the Apple documentation for ad networks.