Saving reports


This feature is available with the Custom and Pro plans. If you want to try the new product, contact us.

The AppMetrica interface consists of two parts: reports and workspaces. All reports have a default state, which is a set of standard groups and metrics. When you change groups or metrics in AppMetrica, they're saved as a custom set that will be restored the next time you open the report to the state in which you last left it .

If your tasks require that you regularly change report configurations, you can save your configuration for quicker access to the data. Saved information includes the group set, selected grouping values, graph metrics, table metrics, and data segments.

You can find all your saved reports under Saved.

Saving a report

After making your changes to a report, you can save it.


Not all reports can be modified or saved.

  1. In the upper-right corner of the report, select ...Save as.
  2. In the form, enter the name of your report and save it.

Changing a saved report

When using a saved report, you can make changes to it. If you've changed the report settings (the set of metrics, groups, data segments, graph metrics, or selected grouping values), you can either save the changes to the existing report, or as a new one. If you don't save the changes, they'll be reset after you exit the report.

You can also change the name of the saved report on the report page.

Access rights

Users with "Read only" access can save custom reports and view reports saved by other users, though they can't edit them.

Users with "Read/write" access can save and edit saved reports no matter who created them.


You can save up to 100 reports for a single app. If you have any reports that you no longer need, you can delete them. Under Saved, go to the report you want to delete, then in the upper-right corner, click ...Delete.

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, you can use the feedback form to submit your question. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Attach a screenshot if possible.

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