Crashes and errors


Crash and error reports are very much alike. Therefore, information about them is provided in a single document.

You can find the report in the menu on the left, under Technologies. The report displays information about Crashes/errors.

You can use the report to determine which crashes and errors occur most often. Use this information to prepare fixes.

To receive information by email, set up notifications.

You can select specific users for the report using segmentation.

Report period

The report is formed for a specific time period. The default period is one week.

To set a custom reporting period, use the button. The selected time interval can be grouped by hours, days, weeks, or months.


The data in the report can be grouped by:

  • Crash or error group For more information, see Crashes and errors.
  • App version
  • OS version
  • Device
  • Manufacturer


The following metrics are available for analysis:

  • Crashes/Errors — The number of crashes or errors.
  • Devices — The number of devices that registered a crash or error at least once during the selected reporting period.
  • % of all devices — The percentage of devices that registered the crash or error out of the total number of devices running the app during the selected time period.
  • Detected in version — The app version where the crash or error was registered for the first time.
  • Last reproduction — The app version where the crash or error was last registered.

From the Lists of crashes page, you can go to the page with information about a crash group. To do this, click the name of the crash group.

Crash and error symbolication

If no mapping or dSYM file was uploaded when building the app, the list of groups displays a warning about unsymbolicated crashes.

To symbolicate them, upload the Uploading dSYM files on iOS. You can view the list of missing files on the SettingsCrashes page of your app in AppMetrica.


You can't upload missing mapping files for previous app builds.

Viewing the crash log and error log

To view the crash log:

  1. On the Crash logs and errors page, click on the name of the crash group.
  2. In the table, click Open crash log/Open error log.

The log shows information about the device and crash or error.

To view the events that preceded the crash or error, go from the log to a profile card. To do this, click View session events.

Adding a comment

If necessary, you can leave comments on the crash or error. This can be useful if the report is viewed by multiple developers. For example, you can add a link to an issue in a comment in Yandex Tracker.

To add a comment, open the appropriate group and enter your text in the Comment field.

Closing a crash or error

You can close fixed crashes and errors to filter them out of the report. If a closed crash is detected in versions where it wasn't previously detected, the crash is re-opened.

To close a crash or error, open the appropriate group. In the upper-right corner of the Crash group status/Error group status block, set Closed mode.

Data export

You can export the crash log description to a TXT file. To do this, open the appropriate crash group and click Open crash log/Open error logExport.

See also

If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, you can use the feedback form to submit your question. Please describe the problem in as much detail as possible. Attach a screenshot if possible.

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