Uploading Ad Revenue events
Transmits ad revenue info.
Usage example: You can use the Post API to transmit info about ad revenue from ad views linked to each app user.
Purchase events received via the Post API are used when calculating all metrics and are also available in funnels and cohorts.
Event properties can be passed in parameters or in the body of the request. When you pass data in the body, you should add .csv
to the URL of the request. For more information, see Sample request.
To bind an event to a user, you should use one of the following fields in the API request:
The Post API has restrictions on loading data. For more information, see Restrictions.
Request format
POST https://api.appmetrica.yandex.ru/logs/v1/import/adrevenue
? post_api_key=<string>
& application_id=<int>
& profile_id=<string>
& appmetrica_device_id=<int>
& event_timestamp=<int>
& revenue=<decimal>
& currency=<enum>
& ad_type=<enum>
& [ad_network=<string>]
& [ad_unit_id=<int>]
& [ad_unit_name=<string>]
& [ad_placement_id=<int>]
& [ad_placement_name=<string>]
& [precision=<enum>]
& [payload=<string>]
& [session_type=<string>]
& [ios_ifa=<string>]
& [ios_ifv=<string>]
& [google_aid=<string>]
& [windows_aid=<string>]
& [os_name=<string>]
& [os_version=<string>]
& [device_manufacturer=<string>]
& [device_model=<string>]
& [device_type=<string>]
& [device_locale=<string>]
& [app_version_name=<string>]
& [app_package_name=<string>]
& [connection_type=<string>]
& [operator_name=<string>]
& [mcc=<int>]
& [mnc=<int>]
& [device_ipv6=<string>]
A token for data uploading. You can get it in the Settings section of your application. |
Unique numeric identifier for the application in AppMetrica. |
User profile ID. The Post API allows you only to upload data for identifiers that were previously sent via the SDK. Alert Do not pass the value with the |
Hash from the unique identifier of the device set by AppMetrica. The Post API allows you only to upload data for identifiers that were previously sent via the SDK. Alert Do not pass the value with the |
Time of the event in Unix time format. With the Post API, you can upload events only if the difference between the event date (event_timestamp) and the upload date is no more than 14 days. The API expects a value in seconds. |
Revenue per ad impression. Revenue amount in decimal(10.8) format (a decimal fraction with 10 digits before and 8 digits after the decimal point). |
Currency of the purchase. List of available currencies. |
Ad type. Available values: |
Advertising network name. |
Unit ID from the advertising network. |
Unit name from the advertising network. |
Placement ID from the advertising network. |
Placement name from the advertising network. |
Accuracy of data transmission. For example, |
Arbitrary payload: Additional information presented as key-value pairs. The maximum size is 30 KB. If the value exceeds this limit, it will be truncated by AppMetrica. |
The session type. Possible values:
Default value is |
The device's IFA in the format received from the device. |
IFV for the app in the format received from the device. |
The device's Google AID in the format received from the device. |
The device's Windows AID in the format received from the device. |
Operating system on the user's device: |
The version of the operating system on the user's device. |
The device manufacturer detected by the AppMetrica service (for example, Apple or Samsung). |
The device model detected by the AppMetrica service (for example, Galaxy S6). |
The device type detected by the AppMetrica service. Possible values: |
The language on the device. |
The app version in the format specified by the developer. |
The package name for Android, or the Bundle ID for iOS (for example, ru.yandex.metro). |
Type of connection. Possible values: |
Name of the mobile operator. |
Mobile country code. |
Mobile network code. |
The IP address at the time of the event in IPv6 format. For example, 2a02:6b8::40c:6676:baff:fea6:53d8, ::ffff: |
Response codes
Code | Description |
200 | Data has been uploaded successfully. |
403 | The request omitted an authorization header, or an invalid token was specified. |
400 | One or more required parameters were missing in the request. |
Sample request
POST /logs/v1/import/adrevenue.csv?post_api_key=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.appmetrica.yandex.ru
Content-Length: 540i
Connection: close
POST /logs/v1/import/adrevenue.csv?post_api_key=0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012&application_id=1234567890&profile_id=1234567890abcdef&appmetrica_device_id=1757762239877245682&event_timestamp=1689943892&revenue=0.0001¤cy=usd&ad_type=banner&ad_network=some_network_name&ad_unit_id=0987654321&ad_unit_name=some_unit_name&ad_placement_id=12345000&ad_placement_name=some_placement_name&precision=estimated&payload="{""key"":""value_1""}"&session_type=foreground&ios_ifa=123456abcde&ios_ifv=54321edcba&google_aid=098765abcde&windows_aid=567890abcde&os_name=ios&os_version=16.6&device_manufacturer=Apple&device_model=iPhone14Pro&device_type=phone&device_locale=en_US&app_version_name=some_version_name&app_package_name=some_package_name&connection_type=wifi&operator_name=MegaFon&mcc=250&mnc=2&device_ipv6=2a02:6b8::40c:6676:baff:fea6:53d8 HTTP/1.1
Host: api.appmetrica.yandex.ru
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Other Post API methods
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