Editing access

Edits previously granted access permissions.

Request format

PUT https://api.appmetrica.yandex.ru/management/v1/application/{id}/grant


App ID

Request body

  "grant": {
    "user_login": "string",
    "perm": "string",
    "partners": [ int, int ],
    "event_labels": ["string", "string"]


Yandex email address (login) of the user who is granted access.


Access level.

Possible values:

  • view: Read only.
  • edit: Read/Edit.
  • agency_view: Agency read only.
  • agency_edit: Agency read/edit.

To learn more about access levels, see Managing app access.


IDs of advertising partners that are granted access. To get a list of all partners, use the Partner list method.

This is a required field when granting agency_view and agency_edit permissions.


If you're granting agency-level access, be sure to specify at least one advertising partner ID.


Target events for which agencies can view statistics.

This is an additional field when granting agency_view and agency_edit permissions.

Response format

  "grant" : {
    "user_login" : "string",
    "user_uid" : int,
    "perm" : "string",
    "comment" : "string",
    "partners" : [ int, int ],
    "event_labels" : [ "string", "string" ]


Yandex email address (login) of the user who is granted access.


ID of the user who is granted access.


Access level.

Possible values:

  • view: Read only.
  • edit: Read/Edit.
  • agency_view: Agency read only.
  • agency_edit: Agency read/edit.

To learn more about access levels, see Managing app access.


A comment.


IDs of advertising partners that are granted access. To get a list of all partners, use the Partner list method.


Target events for which agencies can view statistics.


curl -X PUT \
  'https://api.appmetrica.yandex.ru/management/v1/application/1111/grant' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: OAuth 05dd3dd84ff948fdae2bc4fb91f13e22bb1f289ceef0037' \
  -d '{
  "grant": {
    "user_login": "user_login",
    "perm": "agency_view",
    "partners": [ 145375, 148711 ],
    "event_labels": ["Checkout", "Proceed to cart"]
PUT /management/v1/application/1111/grant HTTP/1.1
Host: api.appmetrica.yandex.ru
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: OAuth 05dd3dd84ff948fdae2bc4fb91f13e22bb1f289ceef0037

  "grant": {
    "user_login": "user_login",
    "perm": "agency_view",
    "partners": [ 145375, 148711 ],
    "event_labels": ["Checkout", "Proceed to cart"]

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