Drill down

Allows you to generate a multi-level (tree view) report. Each level corresponds to a single dimension.

A request to the drilldown method returns one sublevel for the specified parent level. The parent level is specified in the parent_id parameter. To get data for the top level, send a request without the parent_id parameter.

To get data for nested levels, you must specify the path from the root. The path is formed from values of the id field for the dimension parameter. If the id field is omitted, specify the name field.

Request format

GET https://api.appmetrica.yandex.ru/stat/v1/data/drilldown
  ? ids=<int,int,...>
  & metrics=<string>
  & [accuracy=<string>]
  & [callback=<string>]
  & [date1=<string>]
  & [date2=<string>]
  & [dimensions=<string>]
  & [filters=<string>]
  & [group=<group_type>]
  & [id=<integer>]
  & [include_undefined=<boolean>]
  & [lang=<string>]
  & [limit=<integer>]
  & [offset=<integer>]
  & [parent_id=<string>]
  & [pretty=<boolean>]
  & [sort=<string>]


Comma-separated list of counter numbers. Used instead of the id parameter.


Comma-separated list of metrics.

Limit: 20 metrics per request.


Accuracy of results. Allows you to manage sampling (the number of visits used to calculate the final value).
Default value: medium.


Callback function that processes the API response.


Start date of the report period in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can also use the values: today, yesterday, ndaysAgo.

Default value: 6daysAgo.


End date of the report period in the format YYYY-MM-DD. You can also use the values: today, yesterday, ndaysAgo.

Default value: today.


Comma-separated list of dimensions.

Limit: 10 dimensions per request.


Segmentation filter.

Limit: Maximum of 10 unique dimensions and metrics, 20 separate filters, and 10,000 characters per filter string.


Grouping data by time.
Default value: week.

Acceptable values:

  • all — The time range is not broken down.
  • hours — The time range is divided into intervals of several hours.
  • auto — Automatic mode.
  • week — The time range is divided into weeks.
  • month — The time range is divided into months.
  • hour — The time range is divided into hourly intervals.
  • year — The time range is divided into years.
  • minutes — The time range is divided into intervals of a certain number of minutes.
  • day — The time range is divided into days.
  • dekaminute — The time range is divided into 10-minute intervals.
  • quarter — The time range is divided into quarters.
  • minute — The time range is divided into one-minute intervals.


The tag number. Obsolete. Use ids.


Outputs rows that don't have defined dimension values. This only affects the first dimension. Disabled by default.




Number of items on the results page.

Limit: 10000.

Default value: 100.


Index of the first row of requested data, starting from 1.
Default value: 1.


Row for expanding further. Consists of a JSON list of keys.


Specifies the formatting for results. To use formatting, set the value to true.
The default value is false.


Comma-separated list of dimensions and metrics to use for sorting. By default, sorting occurs in ascending order. To sort data in descending order, put the - sign before the dimension or metric.

Response format

    "total_rows" :  < long > ,
    "sampled" :  < boolean > ,
    "sample_share" :  < double > ,
    "sample_size" :  < long > ,
    "sample_space" :  < long > ,
    "data_lag" :  < int > ,
    "query" : {
        "ids" : [  < int > , ... ],
        "dimensions" : [  < string > , ... ],
        "metrics" : [  < string > , ... ],
        "sort" : [  < string > , ... ],
        "date1" :  < string > ,
        "date2" :  < string >,
        "filters" :  < string > ,
        "limit" :  < integer > ,
        "offset" :  < integer >
    "totals" : [  < double > , ... ],
    "min" : [  < double > , ... ],
    "max" : [  < double > , ... ],
    "data" : [ {
        "dimension" : {
            "key_1" :  < string > ,
            "key_2" : ...
        "metrics" : [  < double > , ... ],
        "expand" :  < boolean >
    }, ... ]
Parameters Description
total_rows The total number of rows in the response.
sampled Sampling flag. Indicates whether sampling was applied. Possible values: true, false.
sample_share Percentage of data used for the calculation. Available values range from 0 to 1.
sample_size Number of rows in the requested data.
sample_space Number of data rows.
data_lag Delay in updating data, in seconds.
query Original request. Contains the request parameters, including detailed parameters from the template and parameters for attribute parametrization.
totals Total results for metrics across the entire dataset (with filtration).
min Minimum results for metrics among keys output.
max Maximum results for metrics among keys output.
data Response rows. An array in which each item is a single row of the result.
query.ids Counter IDs.
query.dimensions Array of dimensions.
query.metrics Array of metrics.
query.sort Array of sortings.
query.date1 Start date of the report period in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
query.date2 End date of the report period in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
query.filters Segmentation filter.
query.limit Number of items on the results page.
query.offset Index of the first row of requested data, starting from 1.
data.dimension Dimension value for the specified level of the tree. For example, the second tree level is set (the parent_id array is one ID long). In this case, the field contains the value of the second dimension in the request.
data.metrics Array of metric values for this row. The values in this array are numbers or null.
edata.xpand Indicates whether to expand this row to the next level of the tree.

Sample request

curl -X GET \
  'https://api.appmetrica.yandex.ru/stat/v1/data/drilldown?ids=1111&metrics=ym:ge:users' \
  -H 'Authorization: OAuth 05dd3dd84ff948fdae2bc4fb91f13e22bb1f289ceef0037'
GET /stat/v1/data/drilldown?ids=1111&metrics=ym%3Age%3Ausers HTTP/1.1
Host: api.appmetrica.yandex.ru
Authorization: OAuth 05dd3dd84ff948fdae2bc4fb91f13e22bb1f289ceef0037

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