Anti-fraud solution

Anti-fraud solution is a system designed to detect and prevent fraudulent activity.

Fraudulent actions, such as generating fake clicks or installs, reduce ad effectiveness. As a result, return on investment (ROI) decreases and advertisers are exposed to financial losses. Fraud also distorts analytical data so it's hard to make informed business decisions.

Fraud types

According to FraudScore, a leading provider of solutions for analyzing and detecting fraud in mobile traffic, about 30% of iOS traffic and 40% of Android traffic is fraudulent.

The most common fraud types are:

  • Click spam: Generating lots of clicks without actual ad interaction. Fraudsters use this technique to intercept organic traffic and attribute it to specific publishers.
  • Click injection: Sending a fake ad engagement between an app download and its first launch. Using this method, fraudsters steal attributions from other sources.
  • Device farms: Generating user actions by bots to simulate user activity and boost traffic.
  • SDK spoofing: Sending fake requests from an SDK to the analytical system's servers. Fraudsters use this technique to generate fake installs and user events.

AppMetrica is integrated with the FraudScore system, which helps you detect click spam, click injection, and bots that mimic real users. To combat SDK spoofing, AppMetrica offers event verification solutions.

How to enable the anti-fraud solution

Our anti-fraud solution is a paid feature. For pricing information, see Additional options available for purchase.

To enable the anti-fraud feature:

  1. From the side panel, go to Organization.
  2. Select a pricing plan and click Settings.
  3. Go to the FraudScore antifraud tab and select the amount of installs you need.
  4. Click Proceed to purchase.


Instead of being charged for the entire month at once, you are charged daily. If the number of installs per month exceeds the limit you selected, fraud detection stops automatically.

Once you enable the feature, the Antifraud by FraudScore option will appear for both new and existing trackers. If you activate this option for a tracker, all the installs recorded by this tracker will be sent to FraudScore.


The anti-fraud option is not availabe in trackers with media sources Google Ads, Google Search, and Yandex.Direct.

Assessment scores are available in 24 hours after the first install is sent for assessment. You can view them in the SourcesFraud assessment grouping in the User Acquisition report.

We recommend using as many parameters provided by the ad network as possible, including:

  • Platform ID
  • Keywords
  • Group ID
  • Ad ID

This information helps analyze fraud in greater detail and address fraudulent activity in a more targeted manner (for example, only disable individual platforms when needed).

How the fraud risk is assessed

FraudScore analyzes traffic using more than 150 metrics that are divided into 33 groups called extended fraud reasons. In each group, several metrics are analyzed using different algorithms.

There's also a higher-level division into fraud reasons, but the system primarily uses extended fraud reasons for analysis.

For each extended fraud reason identified, the conversion gets a fraud score. If multiple anomalies are detected for the same conversion, its fraud scores for these anomalies are summed up. Depending on its total fraud score, the conversion is assigned a fraud level:

  • Not fraud: Non-suspicious traffic.
  • Likely not fraud: Low fraud risk level (1–2 violations), the fraud score is no more than 33.
  • Likely fraud: Medium fraud risk level (2–4 violations), the fraud score is between 33 and 66.
  • Fraud: High fraud risk level (4 or more non-critical violations, 3 or more critical violations), the fraud score is over 66.

AppMetrica reports only include resources classified as fraud and likely fraud.

For more information on using fraud assessments, see How to use "Extended Fraud Reasons" slice.

Descriptions for extended fraud reasons






Suspicious distribution of devices (including device models, browser versions, and operating systems) within traffic.


Duplicate IP

Multiple conversions from the same IP or subnet.


Duplicate device

Multiple conversions originating from the same or very similar device.


Dynamic IP

Multiple conversions from dynamic IP addresses.


IP distribution

Abnormal distribution of IP addresses.



Using device emulators like Bluestacks.


Fake device

Fake device parameters (including user agent, IDFA/Android ID, or MAC address) or their combinations.


Click spamming

App install attributed to a click but discovered to be an organic install claimed by an ad network using spam fingerprinting algorithms.


Refer host

Click from a suspicious site.



Abnormally short period between a click and a conversion. In case of Android conversions, this is indicative of click injection.


E-mail disposable

User specified a disposable email address.


Flat TTI

Abnormal distribution of times between clicks and corresponding conversions, indicative of click spamming.


Overall Flat TTI

Important metric for detecting TTI (time to install) deviations. It allows processing traffic across wider slices and can be used either in combination with Flat TTI or independently.


Low Variance TTI

TTI metric is suspicious because of the low variance of actual installation time for the large number of conversions.



IP is an exit point for the Tor network.



Traffic originating from servers belonging to data centers or popular cloud service providers rather than from home or corporate networks. In such cases, the likelihood of real human user interaction is very low.


Geo mismatch

Signs of user location spoofing detected.


Proxy context

Too many IP addresses marked as PROXY in the current segment.


Proxy dynamic

Dynamic IP addresses.



IP addresses act as proxies but aren't directly linked to fraud.



IP addresses linked to suspicious activity or recently used by a potentially compromised device linked to fraudulent activity.


Blacklist dynamic

For IP addresses directly linked to fraudulent activity similar to Blacklist, but in this case conversions originate from IP addresses belonging to mobile carriers.


Old Browser version

Old browser version is used. The user's browser version must be newer/up to date.


Outdated browser version

Very old browser version.



Symptom that indicates the use of a web crawler (for example, used by a search engine).


Duplicate build

Large number of conversions originating from the same Android build.


Regional Specific Device

Abnormal location of a device intended for a specific region or market.


No events

Huge share of conversions has no associated in-app activity.


ISP anomaly

Prevailing number of conversions originate from the same provider.


Bad events

Suspicious in-app activity, abnormal metrics for most events.



Abnormally low click-to-install conversion rate, typically indicative of click spamming.



Abnormally high click-to-install or click-to-registration conversion rate. This is typical for sources with bot devices and may indicate the presence of incentivized traffic.


Multiple attribution

Multiple conversions with the abnormal distribution of attribution metrics.

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