
You can use AppMetrica to collect statistics on your custom app events and view the statistics in the Events report in the web interface. For more information, see Sending events on Android, iOS, and Flutter.

Event nesting levels

To send a multi-level event, pass a key:value pair. In the interface, key and value are considered nesting levels.

The AppMetrica web interface displays up to five nesting levels for events. So if an event has six or more levels, only the top five are shown in the report.


You can use the Reporting API to get up to ten event nesting levels.

Interpretation of numeric and string values

In the AppMetrica interface, the values {"count": 3} and {"count": "3"} are interpreted the same way. However, when exporting data using the Reporting API or Logs API, parameters are exported in the same form as they were sent to the server.

If the same event is passed multiple times with different numeric parameter values, the parameter values are not aggregated in the web interface. Each of them is recorded and calculated separately.


You can use the Reporting API to export additional fields: the total and average of all numeric values.

Partially matched nested events

If the server receives events with duplicate parameters but different nesting levels, their values are added together based on duplicate parameters.

For example, the first event has two nesting levels:

    "param1": "param2"

The second one has three nesting levels:

    "param1": {
        "param2": "value"

In the web interface, these events are displayed as a tree view:

Events are counted using the following algorithm:

  1. The event is recorded, along with two of its sublevels. 1 is added to each parameter.
  2. 1 is added to the event name and three of its sublevels.


To analyze the chain of events and to compare conversion rates, use the Funnels report. Configure 1 to 10 steps by including one or more events from the app in each step. For multi-level events, use key and value filtering.

Use funnels to compare target event conversions on different versions of the app, assess trends in behavioral scenario conversions, or find out how much of the audience needed a particular app function (number of users and percentage).

This way you will find growth points and implement the best ideas for your user. For more information, see Funnels.

See also

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