September 11 2024

Reports Update in AppMetrica: Discover what’s new!

AppMetrica’s interface has undergone major changes. We have made visual and functional updates to the reports: for example, we’ve added new data filters and groupings, as well as improved visualization. Let’s see what exactly has changed.

Report settings and data visualization

All segments’ variables can now be seen on one screen when setting up. Each condition, parameter, and filter are on a separate line and can be easily found via search. These changes are ready to use in the reports:

  • Audience
  • Engagement
  • Purchase Analysis
  • Revenue
  • Push Campaigns
  • Technical reports

The grouping and metric settings have moved to the top of the report, where dates and segments are located. From now on, there’s no need to scroll up and down after applying the new settings — all the changes in tables and graphs will appear below.

Working with graphs

Now, any available metrics can be displayed on the graph — you can select them in the report settings.

Also, we have added four visualization options:

  • area chart
  • pie chart
  • value distribution
  • stacked bar chart

If you don’t need one of them, just hide it. In addition, we made all the graphs brighter and more colorful.

New Dimensions

Now, you can choose such dimensions as profile attributes and installation source.

Profile attributes show how the behavior of different user groups varies. For example, in the Engagement report, you can now compare how much time users with different loyalty program statuses or game levels spend in the app.

A profile is a characteristic of an individual app user, which consists of a set of attributes, such as name, gender, age, accumulated points in the game, or gaming experience. Attributes are available in all AppMetrica reports.

Plus, we added attributes about the source of app installation. They allow you to use attribution data in various reports. For example, you can analyze which channels the most-engaged and highest-paying users come from, in the Engagement and Revenue reports, respectively.

Check out the latest updates and new features in action!