Inside AppMetrica
November 11 2022

The latest from AppMetrica

It’s been a while since we last reached out, and it’s time to talk about what’s new and how we’re making you even better at boosting your app’s metrics.

A brand-new dashboard you can tweak all you want

AppMetrica now has a dashboard that lets you add widgets with key app metrics. Once you have it set up, you’ll have a clear bird’s-eye view of how your app is doing, keeping tabs on overall performance. And we already have more than 20 widgets for you.

Navigation is simpler too. With AppMetrica’s new interface, you can pull all the widgets you need from the side menu.

Redirects to AppGallery and GetApps

In addition to Google Play and App Store, your marketing team can now redirect users to other stores. SmartLink has expanded to include Huawei’s AppGallery and Xiaomi’s GetApps.

SmartLink is a single tracking link that leads to multiple platforms. Pick the stores you need, and the target link will handle the rest.

Setting it up

Folders for statistics

Your statistics are back in folders for you to look through. If they would be helpful in your case, go to the main screen and select an app → General statistics → Overview of all apps.

Tech updates

  • Added support for Ad Revenue events in the API with new SDK versions for Android (5.2.0), iOS (4.4.0), Unity SDK (5.2.0), and Flutter SDK (1.1.0)
  • Updated PUSH SDK for native apps, Flutter, and Unity, also adding YMPYandexMetricaPush.handleSceneWillConnectToSession (Objective-C | Swift) to work with UIScene (iOS 13 and higher)
  • Improved the crash plugin for version 0.6.2
  • In the updated Unity SDK 5.0.1, changed the policy to have exceptions from Application.logMessageReceived sent as errors instead of crashes